Cost of Care Calculator
What does care cost today?
The latest facts from an authoritative third party.
Each year, Genworth Financial, Inc. conducts an independent survey of average health care costs across the country. This calculator is based on their most recent findings and can give you a basis for planning.
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Please note: Research shows that about 70 percent of people age 65 or older will need long-term care services at some point in their lifetime. And while most people think of long-term care as impacting only those in senior years, 40 percent of people currently receiving long term care services are ages 18 to 64.
The Genworth 2019 Cost of Care Survey can help families evaluate options to address the increasing cost of long term care. Genworth has surveyed the cost of long term care across the U.S. to help Americans appropriately plan for the potential cost of this type of care in their preferred location and setting. The most comprehensive study of its kind, Genworth’s 2019 Cost of Care Survey, conducted by CareScout®, covers nearly 15,000 long term care providers in 440 regions nationwide.
Today, we’re celebrating the luck of the Irish and the wonderful community we share here at Covenant Living. Whether you’re enjoying a festive meal, joining in on a fun activity, or just soaking up the joy of the season, we’re so lucky to have residents and staff who make this place feel like home.
May your day be filled with good cheer, green delights, and plenty of smiles! 🌈 ... See MoreSee Less
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Curious about the cost of senior living? Covenant Living’s quick assessment tool helps you or your loved one find the best options in just minutes! 🕒
Answer a few questions and receive personalized recommendations for your senior living journey.
Take the stress out of planning—start today: ... See MoreSee Less
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Daylight Saving Time begins tonight—don’t forget to set your clocks one hour ahead before bed! 🌞
We know that adjusting to the time change can disrupt sleep, especially for older adults. Here are a few tips to help ease the transition:
💡 Get morning sunlight: Exposure to natural light can help reset your internal clock.
🚫 Limit naps: Short naps are okay, but long or late-day naps might make it harder to sleep at night.
☕ Watch caffeine intake: Avoid caffeine later in the day to support restful sleep.
At Covenant Living, we’re here to support your well-being—every hour of the day. Let’s welcome longer, brighter days together! ... See MoreSee Less
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